Unfoldment Coaching for the
Conscious Individual
We live in a culture of personal development. There’s always a little more to do or another part of ourselves that we could improve on. This perspective naturally assumes that we aren’t enough, and that we need to learn a new trick, master a new technique, or somehow add to ourselves to finally be okay.
I want to propose a radical alternative: What if you’re already okay, exactly as you are?
What if, instead of “becoming” a better version of ourselves, we allow ourselves to unfold into who we’re supposed to be?
From here, we can begin to ask ourselves “How might we sit with the questions and conflicts within us about who we ought to be, and how we should meet our work, our relationships, and even ourselves?” We start to examine what’s at play behind the questions of “Am I okay?” “Is this enough?” and “Do I belong?”
We go learn to hold our contradictions, be okay with the questions, and act from purpose and authenticity.
We go from “Am I?” to “I am.”
People often meet me at a crossroads in their lives.
They may feel stuck, or feel that something is missing… There may be discontent in close relationships, in work, or in the conversations that they’re having with themselves. What they want more than anything else is to meet life differently.
The way I see it: Our relationships to business, people, and life are all extensions of ourselves.
When I’ve been unsure who I am and how to do me right, it’s only natural that I also struggled to take space at work, or really show up in my relationships. It’s only by meeting myself where I’ve not had permission to be met, and updating parts of myself that have been stuck in the past that I’ve been able to sit with my shadows and turn things around.
What’s alive for you right now?
The people with whom I do my best work are those who really want to meet life differently. They have highly complex inner lives and may often wonder “How do I do me right?”
Together, we create a safe-enough and brave-enough space to begin to see what’s really at play. I listen when you speak, read between the lines, and ask the right questions. We meet the energies where they need to be met, and transform your inner world so that you can step-beyond the shackles and burdens that have been holding you back.
You share your perspectives, I share my tools, and we work to build effective maps of what a purposeful, connected, and authentic life looks like for you.
My Story
I had a difficult start: Paternal abandonment, maternal enmeshment, poverty, abuse, racism and a host of mental health issues.
I never felt like I belonged with my family or culture and much of my life was a quest to fit in and find my place. The question that followed me was “who do I need to be in order to feel safe and to be accepted?”
I learnt to wear a mask to fit in with "the normal crowd.” Hustle, success, and big risks were the name of the game. But on the inside, I always felt timid, uncertain and like I didn't belong. I worked hard and studied hard because I was told that I was supposed to. Eventually, something cracked and I realised that I had been wearing the mask for so long that I had forgotten who I really was.
I had to face my shadows, see what’s at play, and let go of the ways of being that had helped me survive, but which kept me stuck in the past and repeating old patterns.
Today, I extend my tools, grace, and compassion to those around me. Together, we sit with rage, grief and anxiety and unfold them into presence and transformation.
What others have said…
What now?
If you're still reading, it's because you want to make a change in your life. You may be tired the endless staircase of self-improvement and be wondering about how you might unfold into someone who’s true to you.
If you're committed to working towards showing up as yourself - without masks and without playing it small - to meet life as your own authentic person, then join me for a discovery call and let's see if we’re a good fit.